Swahili Coast Disciple School

We are doing something we have never done before, we are starting a disciple school for some of the boys that we are already discipling. This is a pilot project, and is invite only because we want to see how to do it best before we open it up more. 

We are really stoked to be starting this ten week school where our focus will be deepening their personal lives with God.  The goal is for our students to be rooted in Jesus before they go out into their callings, and we want to give them the best we can. They will also be trained in some basic life skills. 

The topics we will go through are: 

1. Healing and deliverance

2. Leadership and ministerial work

3. Identity and renewal of the mind

4. The gospel

5. Church, small groups and family

6. The Holy Spirit, 7 spirits of God, the baptism of the Holy Spirit

7. Sex, dating and marriage

8. Revival history with focus on Kenya

9. Bible teaching- overview of the books and stories

10. Prayer and worship

Our school will be here on the base, and the boys will need support for basic living needs such as food, water and electricity. (None of our teachers are getting paid extra for this.) We want to create an environment for the boys to be able to relax and focus on Jesus. These youths come from families that have barley enough food to feed themselves, that is why we make it free for them. The students will participate in chores and other practical work to help earn their way, but we as a base still need support. 
(*We look forward to the day we can have a Bible school for girls and boys, but we currently only have capacity for boys.)