

Donate through Paypal
Vipps: #106514
Account number: 4266 16 29619
THis is what keeps us going

Give a gift

First we need to say that we are so thankful for everyone who supports Swahili Coast Mission financially already, there is so much that we would not have been able to do without you. We know that going to the missions field on the Swahili Coast is not for everyone, but we hope that you feel the blessing from giving even if you never get the chance to come visit.

Every donation is welcome and we are so grateful for everything, but we do need to say that we are extra thankful for our monthly supporters that give faithfully each month. It provides us with a stability in being able to plan what we are able to do in our missions base.

So if you feel joy about giving to Swahili Coast Mission, here are some different ways to give!

Again, super thankful for everything, but if you are asking for the best way to give, then you can give monthly to our Norwegian account number. Please send us an email at if you have any questions!

Thanks again so much!

The Swahili Coast Mission Staff

 Bank details: Stig and Linda Ministries,

Oppdalsbanken, O. Skasliens vei 15,

7340 Oppdal

Account number: 4266 16 29619

Swift code: OPPDNO21

IBAN nr: NO1542661629619